I am trying to return back PartialView or any other view from action method back to ajax post. I wanted to display the contents ParitalView as a Jquery Modal pop-up from ajax success function or whichever way its possible.
'MyRegistrationView' with Registration Form on it has below mentioned ajax post call on form submit button.
url: url, //http://localhost/MyRegistration/RegisterUser
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: ko.toJSON(RegistrationInfoModel),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (result) {
//Do something
error: function (request, status, error) {
//Do something
The above ajax call goes to my Controller named " MyRegistrationController" with the action method as below.
public JsonResult RegisterUser(RegistrationInfo model)
//Register User
return Json(new { data = PartialView("_ShowSuccessfulModalPartial") });
- how can i get back the 'content' of '_ShowSuccessfulModalPartial' in 'Success' function of ajax and show that as the Modal Pop up on that same registration page.
- If i want to return/redirect it to some other view how can i do it if i have JsonResult as return type of my ActionMethod.
- How I can send back the ModalErrors from registration process back to my view and show them under ValidationSummary.
(Note: If I don't use JsonResult as return type i get ajax 'parseerror' Unexpected token <)