
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Installation fails on Eclipse

2019-02-20 04:36发布


I'm getting the following problem while trying to install Worklight 6 into Eclipse 4.3 "Kepler":

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: IBM jQuery Mobile Tools (com.ibm.webtools.jquery.tools.feature.feature.group
  Missing requirement: IBM Web Editor Common 1.2.0.v20130514_1852 (com.ibm.etools.webtools.webedit.common 1.2.0.v20130514_1852) requires 'bundle com.ibm.icu [4.2.1,5.0.0)' but it could not be found
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: IBM Worklight Studio (com.ibm.imp.tools.feature.feature.group
    To: com.ibm.imp.webtools.core.feature.feature.group 1.0.0
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Web Tools Core 1.2.0.v20130514_1852 (com.ibm.imp.webtools.core.feature.feature.group 1.2.0.v20130514_1852)
    To: com.ibm.etools.webtools.webedit.common [1.2.0.v20130514_1852]
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: IBM jQuery Mobile Tools (com.ibm.webtools.jquery.tools.feature.feature.group
    To: com.ibm.imp.tools.feature.feature.group 6.0.0

I've tried both the marketplace method and installing from a local archive produces the same error. Sounds like a dependency issue but I'm not clever enough to workout what I'm missing.


Worklight 6.0 supports ONLY Eclipse for Jave EE Developers 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2) or Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2).

Worklight 6.0 will not work on prior versions of Eclipse.
Worklight 6.0 will not work on Eclipse 4.3 "Kepler" - there is no support for it, yet.


After you installed Worklight on 4.2.2 if it does not show up inside of eclipse, try the following

run eclipse withe the -clean option from the command line/terminal

ex. $ ./eclipse -clean

then restart eclipse as normal, YMMV but it seem to do the trick for most folks with this problem.


This issue is due to corporate proxy.

Main requirement is it supports ONLY Eclipse for Jave EE Developers 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2) or Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 ("Juno" SR2). Apart from this you have to do following things to make it work Window-->Preferences-->General-->Network connection In drop down list changes Active Provider to Manual and in http/https put address and port number of your proxy.


Worklight 6.1 was released on the 6th of December, and now Kepler is supported. http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/ibm-worklight-developer-edition#.UqcEQZNQHIc