I've managed to implement and test my function wrapper implementation, however, the interface isn't as nice as it should be:
template < typename F, F* f >
void register_function( const char* name )
int (*lf) (lua_State *) = function_wrapper< F, f >;
register_native_function( lf, name );
While this works as expected, the usage requires to explicit template parameters:
register_function< decltype(hello), &hello >( "hello" );
Obviously the first parameter could be deduced from the first one, so ideally I'd like to just have
register_function< &hello >( "hello" );
Is it possible? Is there a neater way to do it?
Update: Answering the question, why is the parameter templated instead of passed:
Many binders (including Lua ones, as this is particularly designed for Lua) pass functions by value:
register_function("hello", &hello);
This is indeed more readable, and from the interface side more easily implementable. But that also means that the adress of the function needs to be stored somewhere.
To bind a function to Lua we need it to have the following prototype:
int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *)
No other information is passed, hence this is the entry and information we get when a bound function is called from Lua.
If the binding is done at compile time, we can provide a separate function (by templates) in the code that will be executed from Lua, giving us comparable performance to hand-written bindings, especially if the compiler optimizes away the boilerplate code.
If the binding is done at runtime, then we cannot create new functions and need a global function that somehow knows what function should it dispatch the call to. Normally, we wouldn't be able to get the information at all, but existing compile-time Lua binders take advantage of Lua custom per-function userdata or closures to store the additional information needed to perform the execution. However, this has a significant performance hit compared to a hand-written binding, because of possible additional memory allocations and closure dispatching.
I've had problems with perfomance of the runtime version in a previous binding implementation (although a very stressed one) which ended up in rewriting the most stressed parts into hand-written bindings, and, considering that this time I plan to do the lua calls in a realtime rendering loop, I want to find a solution that will be closer to hand-written performance.
If we pass the function as a parameter, we obviously cannot create the function binding at compile time.