How do I append custom query strings to grails Res

2019-02-20 01:47发布


I would like to create a Grails resources mapper that appends a query string to the actualUrl. All attempts thus far have failed - but maybe I'm going about things the wrong way. Example code follows;

import org.grails.plugin.resource.mapper.MapperPhase
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory

class GlobalizationResourceMapper {

    def log = LogFactory.getLog(this.class)
    def phase = MapperPhase.RENAMING
    def operation = "globalizationquerystring"
    def priority = -1

    static defaultExcludes = ['**/*.png', '**/*.gif', '**/*.jpg', '**/*.jpeg', '**/*.gz', '**/*.zip']
    static defaultIncludes = ['**/*.js','**/*.gsp']

     * Cache the resource based on current language in use. Do this by appending a query string on the resource URL indicating language.
    def map(resource, config) {
        def query = [l:'en_US']
        resource.actualUrl = resource.actualUrl + '?' + query.collect { it }.join('&')
        if (log.debugEnabled) log.debug "Modified URL: ${resource.actualUrl}" "Modified URL: ${resource.actualUrl}"

The actual URL gets changed appropriately, but any resource requested with it ends up in a redirect loop and 404's.


You can append the params to the URL in *Resources.groovy i.e. at the point where the resource is declared (rather than in the mapper) using:

resource url: '/js/foo.js', wrapper: { baseUrl ->          
  def query = [l:'en_US']
  baseUrl + '?' + query.collect { it }.join('&')