I'm trying to "proxy" my Flask server (i will call it Server#01) with another server(Server#02). It's working well except for one thing : when the Server#01 use send_from_directory(), i don't know how to re-send this file.
My classic "proxy"
result = requests.get(my_path_to_server01)
return Response(stream_with_context(result.iter_content()),
content_type = result.headers['Content-Type'])
With a file a response, it's taking hours... So i tried many things. The one who work is :
result = requests.get(my_path_to_server01, stream=True)
with open('img.png', 'wb') as out_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(result.raw, out_file)
return send_from_directory('./', 'img.png')
I would like to "redirect" my response ("result" variable), or send/copy a stream of my file. Anyways I don't want to use a physical file because it don't seems the proper way in my mind and i can imagine all problems who can happens because of that.