I'm playing with a C++/CLI application that talks to my Isis2 (C# .NET) library. In the code below I get the error "Warning 3 C4538: 'cli::array ^' : const/volatile qualifiers on this type are not supported". I highlighted the line that throws this. I'm baffled: this doesn't have an array, nor does it use const or volatile! Any suggestions?
// CPlusPlus.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <IsisLib.dll>
using namespace Isis;
using namespace System;
void GotNewView(View^ v)
Console::WriteLine("Got a new view: " + v->ToString());
public delegate void GotAnInt_T (int i);
void GotAnInt(int i)
Console::WriteLine("Got an int: {0}", i);
public delegate void GotTwo_T (String ^s, double d);
void GotTwo(String^ s, double d)
Console::WriteLine("Got a string: <{0}> and a double: {1}", s, d);
public delegate void SendsReply_T(int i);
void SendsReply(int i)
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
Group ^g = gcnew Group("test"); <============= THIS LINE
g->RegisterViewHandler(gcnew ViewHandler(GotNewView));
g->Handlers[0] += gcnew GotAnInt_T(GotAnInt);
g->Handlers[0] += gcnew GotTwo_T(GotTwo);
g->Handlers[1] += gcnew SendsReply_T(SendsReply);
g->Send((int^)0, 12345);
g->Send((int^)0, "Aardvarks are animals", 78.91);
Console::WriteLine("After Send, testing Query");
Collections::Generic::List<int>^ results = gcnew Collections::Generic::List<int>();
int nr = g->Query(Group::ALL, 1, 6543, gcnew EOLMarker(), results);
return 0;