Is there a way to find out in Flutter if the GPS is activated or deactivated? I use the plugin location however there I get only the location and not the state of the GPS.
With geolocations you can check wether the location service is operational. It generally includes more customizability then the location package.
final GeolocationResult result = await Geolocation.isLocationOperational();
if(result.isSuccessful) {
// location service is enabled, and location permission is granted
} else {
// location service is not enabled, restricted, or location permission is denied
Accepted answer uses outdated plugin, you can use Geolocator plugin,
var geoLocator = Geolocator();
var status = await geoLocator.checkGeolocationPermissionStatus();
if (status == GeolocationStatus.denied)
// Take user to permission settings
else if (status == GeolocationStatus.disabled)
// Take user to location page
else if (status == GeolocationStatus.restricted)
// Restricted
else if (status == GeolocationStatus.unknown)
// Unknown
else if (status == GeolocationStatus.granted)
// Permission granted and location enabled