I am making a simple twitter based login/signup system using the tutorial here. I get the oauth_token as well as oauth token secret every time I get the user to login. However, even when the user is already logged in, he is being asked to login again. I just wanted to know how do I check if the user is already logged in?
Do I need to store the oauth_token and oauth token secret in session? If I do store these in a session, how do i authenticate if they are valid?
The library used has something like this:
class EpiOAuth
public $version = '1.0';
protected $requestTokenUrl;
protected $accessTokenUrl;
protected $authorizeUrl;
protected $consumerKey;
protected $consumerSecret;
protected $token;
protected $tokenSecret;
protected $signatureMethod;
public function getAccessToken()
$resp = $this->httpRequest('GET', $this->accessTokenUrl);
return new EpiOAuthResponse($resp);
public function getAuthorizationUrl()
$retval = "{$this->authorizeUrl}?";
$token = $this->getRequestToken();
return $this->authorizeUrl . '?oauth_token=' . $token->oauth_token;
public function getRequestToken()
$resp = $this->httpRequest('GET', $this->requestTokenUrl);
return new EpiOAuthResponse($resp);
public function httpRequest($method = null, $url = null, $params = null)
if(empty($method) || empty($url))
return false;
$params = $this->prepareParameters($method, $url, $params);
case 'GET':
return $this->httpGet($url, $params);
case 'POST':
return $this->httpPost($url, $params);
public function setToken($token = null, $secret = null)
$params = func_get_args();
$this->token = $token;
$this->tokenSecret = $secret;
public function encode($string)
return rawurlencode(utf8_encode($string));
protected function addOAuthHeaders(&$ch, $url, $oauthHeaders)
$_h = array('Expect:');
$urlParts = parse_url($url);
$oauth = 'Authorization: OAuth realm="' . $urlParts['path'] . '",';
foreach($oauthHeaders as $name => $value)
$oauth .= "{$name}=\"{$value}\",";
$_h[] = substr($oauth, 0, -1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $_h);
protected function generateNonce()
if(isset($this->nonce)) // for unit testing
return $this->nonce;
return md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
protected function generateSignature($method = null, $url = null, $params = null)
if(empty($method) || empty($url))
return false;
// concatenating
$concatenatedParams = '';
foreach($params as $k => $v)
$v = $this->encode($v);
$concatenatedParams .= "{$k}={$v}&";
$concatenatedParams = $this->encode(substr($concatenatedParams, 0, -1));
// normalize url
$normalizedUrl = $this->encode($this->normalizeUrl($url));
$method = $this->encode($method); // don't need this but why not?
$signatureBaseString = "{$method}&{$normalizedUrl}&{$concatenatedParams}";
return $this->signString($signatureBaseString);
protected function httpGet($url, $params = null)
if(count($params['request']) > 0)
$url .= '?';
foreach($params['request'] as $k => $v)
$url .= "{$k}={$v}&";
$url = substr($url, 0, -1);
$ch = curl_init($url);
$this->addOAuthHeaders($ch, $url, $params['oauth']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$resp = $this->curl->addCurl($ch);
return $resp;
protected function httpPost($url, $params = null)
$ch = curl_init($url);
$this->addOAuthHeaders($ch, $url, $params['oauth']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params['request']));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$resp = $this->curl->addCurl($ch);
return $resp;
protected function normalizeUrl($url = null)
$urlParts = parse_url($url);
$scheme = strtolower($urlParts['scheme']);
$host = strtolower($urlParts['host']);
$port = intval($urlParts['port']);
$retval = "{$scheme}://{$host}";
if($port > 0 && ($scheme === 'http' && $port !== 80) || ($scheme === 'https' && $port !== 443))
$retval .= ":{$port}";
$retval .= $urlParts['path'];
$retval .= "?{$urlParts['query']}";
return $retval;
protected function prepareParameters($method = null, $url = null, $params = null)
if(empty($method) || empty($url))
return false;
$oauth['oauth_consumer_key'] = $this->consumerKey;
$oauth['oauth_token'] = $this->token;
$oauth['oauth_nonce'] = $this->generateNonce();
$oauth['oauth_timestamp'] = !isset($this->timestamp) ? time() : $this->timestamp; // for unit test
$oauth['oauth_signature_method'] = $this->signatureMethod;
$oauth['oauth_version'] = $this->version;
// encoding
array_walk($oauth, array($this, 'encode'));
array_walk($params, array($this, 'encode'));
$encodedParams = array_merge($oauth, (array)$params);
// sorting
// signing
$oauth['oauth_signature'] = $this->encode($this->generateSignature($method, $url, $encodedParams));
return array('request' => $params, 'oauth' => $oauth);
protected function signString($string = null)
$retval = false;
case 'HMAC-SHA1':
$key = $this->encode($this->consumerSecret) . '&' . $this->encode($this->tokenSecret);
$retval = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $string, $key, true));
return $retval;
public function __construct($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $signatureMethod='HMAC-SHA1')
$this->consumerKey = $consumerKey;
$this->consumerSecret = $consumerSecret;
$this->signatureMethod = $signatureMethod;
$this->curl = EpiCurl::getInstance();
class EpiOAuthResponse
private $__resp;
public function __construct($resp)
$this->__resp = $resp;
public function __get($name)
if($this->__resp->code < 200 || $this->__resp->code > 299)
return false;
parse_str($this->__resp->data, $result);
foreach($result as $k => $v)
$this->$k = $v;
return $result[$name];