
counting the occurrence of substrings in a column

2019-02-19 19:55发布


I would like to count the occurrences of a string in a column ....per group. In this case the string is often a substring in a character column.

I have some data e.g.

ID   String              village
1    fd_sec, ht_rm,      A
2    NA, ht_rm           A
3    fd_sec,             B
4    san, ht_rm,         C

The code that I began with is obviously incorrect, but I am failing on my search to find out I could use the grep function in a column and group by village

impacts <- se %>%  group_by(village) %>%
summarise(c_NA = round(sum(sub$en41_1 ==  "NA")),
          c_ht_rm = round(sum(sub$en41_1 ==  "ht_rm")),
          c_san = round(sum(sub$en41_1 ==  "san")),
          c_fd_sec = round(sum(sub$en41_1 ==  "fd_sec")))

Ideally my output would be:

village  fd_sec  NA  ht_rm  san
A        1       1   2 
B        1
C                    1      1

Thank you in advance


You can also use cSplit() from my "splitstackshape" package. Since this package also loads "data.table", you can then just use dcast() to tabulate the result.


cSplit(mydf, "String", direction = "long")[, dcast(.SD, village ~ String)]
# Using 'village' as value column. Use 'value.var' to override
# Aggregate function missing, defaulting to 'length'
#    village fd_sec ht_rm san NA
# 1:       A      1     2   0  1
# 2:       B      1     0   0  0
# 3:       C      0     1   1  0


We can do this with base R by splitting the 'String' column with 'village', then split the 'String' into substrings by splitting at , followed by zero or more spaces (\\s*), stack the list into a two column data.frame and get the frequency with table

table(stack(lapply(split(df1$String, df1$village), 
            function(x) unlist(strsplit(x, ",\\s*"))))[2:1])
#  values
#ind fd_sec ht_rm NA san   
#  A      1     2  1   0
#  B      1     0  0   0
#  C      0     1  0   1

Or using tidyverse, after grouping by 'village', reshape into 'long' format by splitting the 'String' using separate_rows, filter out the rows that have blank values in 'String', count the frequency and spread it to 'wide' format

df1 %>%
   group_by(village) %>% 
   separate_rows(String, sep=",\\s*") %>%
   filter(nzchar(String)) %>% 
   count(village, String) %>% 
   spread(String, n, fill = 0)
# A tibble: 3 x 5
# Groups: village [3]
#  village fd_sec ht_rm  `NA`   san
#* <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 A         1.00  2.00  1.00  0   
#2 B         1.00  0     0     0   
#3 C         0     1.00  0     1.00

标签: r grep summarize