Matlab cluster coding - plot scatter graph

2019-02-19 19:52发布


I have a daily annual energy consumption data set for a one year period. I would like to show a scatter graph of this data set separated into the four clusters which I expect exist (due to the differences of the four seasons)

I understand that matlab cluster function can do this but my statistics is very rusty and I was hoping to get some guidance into which function is the best to use



Consider the following example of hierarchical clustering applied to the Fisher Iris dataset (150 instances, each point is 4-dimensional):

%# load dataset
load fisheriris

%# Construct agglomerative clusters
NUM = 3;
D = pdist(meas, 'euclid');
T = linkage(D, 'ward');
IDX = cluster(T, 'maxclust',NUM);

%# visualize the hierarchy of clusters
h = dendrogram(T, 0, 'colorthreshold',mean(T(end-NUM+1:end-NUM+2,3)));
set(h, 'LineWidth',2)
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',[], 'TickLength',[0 0])

%# plot scatter of data colored by clusters
scatter3(meas(:,1),meas(:,2),meas(:,3), 100, IDX, 'filled')
xlabel SL, ylabel SW, zlabel PL