I've got a Play (1.2.4) application that's working fine on my Windows 7 64bit dev machine.
I had a few crashes when I was running on Java 7.0 beta; this JavaVM crashes would appear on specific code modifications but without any "logical" reason (eg adding a crud admin class), but I switched to latest 7.0_2 and all is fine on windows now.
BUT my deployment machine(s) is/are Linux.
Again, all was working fine, but after my recent code update it keeps crashing.
~ play! 1.2.4, http://www.playframework.org
~ Ctrl+C to stop
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
05:20:36,845 INFO ~ Starting /home/scrosta/PROJECT
05:20:36,849 INFO ~ Module crud is available (/home/scrosta/play-1.2.4/modules/crud)
05:20:36,849 INFO ~ Module jqueryui is available (/home/scrosta/PROJECTNAME/modules/jqueryui-1.0)
05:20:36,850 INFO ~ Module logisimayml is available (/home/scrosta/PROJECTNAME/modules/logisimayml-1.5)
05:20:36,850 INFO ~ Module secure is available (/home/scrosta/play-1.2.4/modules/secure)
05:20:36,851 INFO ~ Module deadbolt is available (/home/scrosta/PROJECTNAME/modules/deadbolt-1.4.3)
05:20:37,461 WARN ~ You're running Play! in DEV mode
05:20:37,522 INFO ~ Listening for HTTP on port 9000 (Waiting a first request to start) ...
05:21:07,468 INFO ~ Connected to jdbc:h2:mem:play;MODE=MYSQL
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f3c3cb7a438, pid=17664, tid=139896551085824
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b22
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (20.0-b11 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Derivative: IcedTea6 1.10.4
# Distribution: Ubuntu 11.04, package 6b22-1.10.4-0ubuntu1~11.04.1
# Problematic frame:
# V [libjvm.so+0x5ec438] PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post(Node*)+0x158
The whole log is available on pastie
I tested with one Gentoo machine: IcedTea Java 6 and Oracle Java 7, and a different Ubuntu machine with IcedTea Java 6. Same problem. And no issue on Windows.
I did run dependencies again, and play clean too.
Any idea of what could be provoking this, how to solve, how to debug...?
play precompile
runs fine.
As I mentioned, I used to get pretty much the same error on windows before switching to the latest Java 7.0_2.
Since on Linux I was getting it with both the JDK 6 and 7 from two different vendors, I thought it couldn't be related.
WELL, ends up that removing one of my Crud Controllers solves the issue - meaning, the application runs again.
I am thus tempted to blame the CRUD module (but hoping a new java update for Linux will solve the issue).
If somebody from play! is interested in knowing more about my crud classes, please comment.
Edit 2
Removing some crud classes had apparently solved the issue, as patchy as it might sound.
But I now had to move to a JBoss deployment, and the bug is back again!
It actually crashes the whole JBoss with exactly the same error...