I am new to Ansible .
I created EC2 instances using ansible and able to to retrieve the launch time using EC2 facts .
But i am unable to store the launch time in date format .
My goal is to get the difference of launch time date with system date (unable to find that also and perform some operations .
Any guidance is appreciated .
Naresh Sharma
Since Ansible 2.2 there is a handy to_datetime(format)
filter available.
Here is example for your task:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: yes
- name: local date
msg: "{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"
- ec2_remote_facts:
region: eu-west-1
register: ec2
- name: instance date
msg: "{{ ec2.instances[0].launch_time }}"
- name: date difference in days
msg: "{{ (ansible_date_time.iso8601[:19] | to_datetime(fmt) - ec2.instances[0].launch_time[:19] | to_datetime(fmt)).days }}"
fmt: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
Note [:19]
to get first 19 characters to avoid handling of milliseconds and timezone characters.
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [local date] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "2017-02-03T18:39:12Z"
TASK [ec2_remote_facts] ********************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [instance date] ***********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "2016-09-21T15:43:40.000Z"
TASK [date difference in days] *************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "135"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=5 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0