Microsoft Edge is throwing 'No such interface supported' error when trying to append cloned content into new window. Here is an example:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('.trigger').click(function() {
var target = jQuery(this).data('print_target');
var w ='', '', 'status=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no');
var print_html = '<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>' + document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML + '</title></head><body></body></html>';
w.document.write( print_html );
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
var ie = true;
//.html() required for IE browsers
if ( ua.indexOf("MSIE ") != -1) {
//console.log('MSIE - Craptastic');
jQuery(w.document.body).append( jQuery( target ).clone( true ).html() );
else if ( ua.indexOf("Trident/") != -1) {
//console.log('IE 11 - Trident');
jQuery(w.document.body).append( jQuery( target ).clone( true ).html() );
else if ( ua.indexOf("Edge/") != -1 ){
console.log('IE 12 - Edge');
//error: No such interface supported
jQuery(w.document.body).append( jQuery( target ).clone( true ).html() );
//jQuery(w.document.body).append( 'hey dude, this is some text' );
//jQuery(w.document.body).html( jQuery( target ).clone( true ).html() );
//console.log('proper browser');
jQuery(w.document.body).append( jQuery( target ).clone( true ) );
ie = false;
This is only an issue with Microsoft Edge, it works in all standards based browsers and IE browsers 7,8,9,10 and 11. A similar issue has been raised in this thread but not resolved.
here is a jsfiddle showing what's what: