I have a project using subsonic that I developed in Visual Studio 2008 on C: drive. No problem there. I've just upgraded to Visual Studio 2010 (and as my computer coincidentally died, I'm now running Windows XP virtualised with VirtualBox).
The project runs without complaint on C: drive, but if I run it from G: (a mapped drive which points to a partition on the base PC), I can't run the custom tools subsonic uses (error listed below), OR run the web application ('start without debugging' gives me: Failed to start monitoring changes to 'G:\GPNNT\GpnntApp\GpnntApp').
This is a .net 3.5 solution.
This would seem to be a well-documented and straightforward problem. I have taken the following actions:
cd "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727"
caspol -all -reset
caspol -q -machine -addgroup 1 -url file:////g:\* FullTrust -name "G Drive"
caspol -q -machine -addgroup 1 -url g:\* FullTrust -name "G Drive 1"
cd "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
caspol -all -reset
caspol -q -machine -addgroup 1 -url file:////g:\* FullTrust -name "G Drive"
caspol -q -machine -addgroup 1 -url g:\* FullTrust -name "G Drive"
(I have tried a zillion different url formats, all to no avail)
(2) The .Net 2.0 Configuration utility (Control Panel > Admin Tools)
Using the analysis tool, both settings made in the batch file above appear to apply to files on the drive.
I also tried setting the intranet group to FullTrust (something I'd rather not do !). No difference.
(3) loadFromRemoteSources
It is reasonable to assume that although the project itself only uses .NET 2, VS2010 itself might use .NET 4 internally. After some more googling (eg here), I added
<runtime> <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true"/> </runtime>
to both .net versions' machine.config files.
(4) Upgrading to VS2010 SP1
None of these has made an iota of difference. Can anyone shed light on this before my blood pressure reaches dangerously high levels ? I suppose I can go back to running everything off C:, but it does seem a bit ridiculous in this age of virtualisation. I really want the data in a different place to the VM.
I note this SO post has the same problem, and blames Test projects, which is not terribly satisfactory. I also don't have a test project, although there may be test references buried in the SubSonic dlls somewhere I suppose.
LAST MINUTE ADDITION: I also notice SQL Server 2005/8 won't talk to G: (eg. recover a backup from there), and assume any solution would also allow this to occur. That would be another great-to-have.