I am struggling to better grasp the rationale of exception and error handling in TPL (and with some more luck in .NET 4.5 async/await tasks)
The slightly modified from my earlier question "How to better understand the code/statements from "Async - Handling multiple Exceptions" article?" C# console app code running 2 detached inner nested attached (dependent) child (Update: sorry, started one question but ended by another!) tasks:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
{ Tst();
async static Task Tst()
await Task.Factory.StartNew
(() =>
( () => {
Console.WriteLine("From 1st child");
throw new NullReferenceException();
, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent
( () =>
Console.WriteLine("From 2nd child");
throw new ArgumentException();
catch (AggregateException ex)
Console.WriteLine("** {0} **", ex.GetType().Name);
foreach (var exc in ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("## {0} ##", ex.GetType().Name);
produces output that alternates (non-deterministically) between:
From 1st child
From 2nd child
** AggregateException **
From 1t child
From 2nd child
** AggregateException **
Seems like always one and only one exception from one of a child tasks always propagated/caught.
Why is only one exception propagated/caught?
I'd have better understood if none or rather all exceptions from child tasks are always caught
Is it possible, in this situation, that both or none exception will be caught?