class Perkusja {
boolean talerze = true;
boolean beben = true;
void zagrajNaBebnie() {
System.out.println("bam, bam, baaaa-am-am");
void zagrajNaTalerzach() {
System.out.println("brzdęk, brzbrzrzdęęk");
class PerkusjaTester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Perkusja p = new Perkusja();
Hello! I'm new to stackoverflow so please forgive me my atrocious editing.
I'm new to Java and i can't figure out where exactly the issue lies and what's the problem.
I get the following error on the line
public static void main(String[]args)
The method main cannot be declared static; static methods can only be declared in a static or top level type
I'm using eclipse and i'm doing some simple java exercises. I googled the problem but the answers are usually related to much more complex pieces of code.
How do i fix it and what's the cause of the following error? I'd be grateful for an explanation on this particular example.