
Bitcoinj will not compile onto Nexus 5 with Androi

2019-02-19 13:44发布


I am building an app using Bitcoinj and I am trying to run it on a Nexus 5. When using grade to build Bitcoinj - compile 'org.bitcoinj:bitcoinj-core:0.12' - and subsequently running the app on the phone, I receive this error...


Does anyone have any idea why this is, or how to fix it?




When trying to run an android app that uses the BitcoinJ library for Nexus 5, with the latest android version 5.0 (Lollipop) you will get this error message "INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS". The main reason is that you are trying to install an app that has native libraries and it doesn't have a native library for your cpu architecture.

The native library that did the problem was Scrypt.jar so I excluded it

    compile('com.google:bitcoinj:0.11.3') {
    exclude module: 'scrypt'

and instead of using


just use another scrypting library for instance,


Good Luck