Say, a text file have many $start-$end
pairs, and within each pair there are some text. I want Perl to find-and-replace all $pattern
s with the $start-$end
pairs; if the $pattern
lies out of the pair, then don't replace it. eg for text:
xx START xx bingo xx bingo xx END xx bingo xx START xx bingo xx END bingo
There might be newlines anywhere in the text (not shown here); $pattern
may appear multiple times within a pair. Expected result is:
xx START xx okyes xx okyes xx END xx bingo xx START xx okyes xx END bingo
The job seems straightforward but I just do not figure out a Perl regex to do it. Can anyone help with this?
Looking at your 'source' I would suggest the trick here is to set $/
- the record separator.
If you set it to a single space, you can iterate word by word.
And then use a range operator to determine if you're within delimiters.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
local $/ = ' ';
while ( <DATA> ) {
if ( m/START/ .. /END/ ) {
xx START xx bingo xx bingo xx END xx bingo xx START xx bingo xx END bingo
This prints:
xx START xx okyes xx okyes xx END xx bingo xx START xx okyes xx END bingo
You could probably accomplish this with a single regex. I'm going to suggest that you don't because it'll quite complicated and hard to understand later.
I find things like this are most simply done using the @-
and @+
built-in arrays in conjunction with substr
as an lvalue
contains the offset within the string where the first capture began, while $+[1]
contains the offset where it ended. Hence $+[1]-$-[1]
is the length of the captured section
This program finds all occurrences of /START(.+?)END/
and edits the captured section -- the region between START
and END
-- by applying a regex substitution to that substring
You may need to chnage this slightly depending on the real-world data that you're working with
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use feature 'say';
my $str = 'xx START xx bingo xx bingo xx END xx bingo xx START xx bingo xx END bingo';
my ($start, $end, $pattern, $replacement) = qw/ START END bingo okyes /;
while ( $str =~ /\b$start\b(.+?)\b$end\b/gs ) {
substr($str, $-[1], $+[1]-$-[1]) =~ s/$pattern/$replacement/g;
say $str;
xx START xx okyes xx okyes xx END xx bingo xx START xx okyes xx END bingo
Split each line on START on END, keep a flag that tells you whether you are inside a range or not.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $inside;
while (<>) {
my @strings = split /(START|END)/;
for my $string (@strings) {
if ('START' eq $string) {
$inside = 1;
} elsif ('END' eq $string) {
undef $inside;
} elsif ($inside) {
$string =~ s/bingo/okyes/g;
print $string;
Or a bit shorter using a hash as a switch:
use warnings;
use strict;
use Syntax::Construct qw{ // };
my $inside;
while (<>) {
my @strings = split /(START|END)/;
for my $string (@strings) {
$inside = { START => 1,
END => 0,
}->{$string} // $inside;
$string =~ s/bingo/okyes/g if $inside;
print $string;
Eventually used following code to accomplish what I intended:
$_ = "xx START xx bingo xx bingo xx END xx bingo xx START xx bingo xx END bingo";
print "\n";
$_ =~ s/START.*?END/($s=$&) =~ s,bingo,okyes,g; $s/ge;
This is a one-regex solution, using embedded expression in s///g
regex, and nested s///g
Sorry for this late post, but I deeply appreciate the replies by @Sobrique, @Borodin and @choroba, which are enlightening and helpful.