I am trying to install a helper tool via SMJobBless and I am getting the following error,
Error Domain=CFErrorDomainLaunchd Code=8 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CFErrorDomainLaunchd error 8.)
I verified the code sign, plist of application and helper tool, copied the tool in launchServices and also linked the plists.
Can anyone please help me?
Thank you,
Verify Following Things:
- (BOOL)blessHelperWithLabel:(NSString *)label
error:(NSError **)error {
BOOL result = NO;
AuthorizationItem authItem = { kSMRightBlessPrivilegedHelper, 0, NULL, 0 };
AuthorizationRights authRights = { 1, &authItem };
AuthorizationFlags flags = kAuthorizationFlagDefaults |
kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed |
kAuthorizationFlagPreAuthorize |
AuthorizationRef authRef = NULL;
/* Obtain the right to install privileged helper tools (kSMRightBlessPrivilegedHelper). */
OSStatus status = AuthorizationCreate(&authRights, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, flags, &authRef);
if (status != errAuthorizationSuccess) {
NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to create AuthorizationRef. Error code: %d", (int)status]);
} else {
/* This does all the work of verifying the helper tool against the application
* and vice-versa. Once verification has passed, the embedded launchd.plist
* is extracted and placed in /Library/LaunchDaemons and then loaded. The
* executable is placed in /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools.
result = SMJobBless(kSMDomainSystemLaunchd, (CFStringRef)label, authRef, (CFErrorRef *)error);
return result;
2.Tools owned after installation field in info.plist(main app)
helper bundle : identifier <Helper Bundle Identifier> and certificate leaf[subject.CN] = "Developer ID Application: xxxxx (YYXSFDHZ6W)"
3.Clients allowed to add and remove tool field in helper info.plist.
item 0 : identifier <Main App Bundle Identifier> and certificate leaf[subject.CN] = "Developer ID Application: xxxxxx (YYXSFDHZ6W)"
4.Check MachServices filed in xxxxHelperTool-Launchd.plist.it should be
helper tool bundle : YES
Find the tool SMJobBlessUtil.py in the (otherwise superseded sample code) SMJobBless sample code: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/samplecode/SMJobBless/Introduction/Intro.html
NOTE: SMJobBless IS the correct way to bless jobs. The old way, AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges, is deprecated and will be actively shunned in the near future. The "SMJobBless" sample code is deprecated, because the following example code is superior in pretty much every way.
OK, get the tool, and now get the current example code:
Use the SMJobBlessUtil.py script to verify and or set the Info.plist stuff inside your main program and helper.