C# Socket TCP Send, messages getting “stuck”

2019-02-19 10:55发布


This is a bit of an odd one and apologies if I don't explain it very well.

I am using the following simple code to send messages that I have popped off a queue, using a simple TCP socket, the messages are sent over localhost to another port on the same machine -

    Socket.Select(null, writeList, null, 120000000/*120 seconds*/);
catch (SocketException e)
    log.Error("Select returned an error waiting to send... " + e.Message + " Errorcode: " + e.ErrorCode);
    connected = false;

bool readyToWrite = false;
for (int i = 0; i < writeList.Count; i++)
    readyToWrite = true;

if (readyToWrite)
        //log.Debug("Sending message type: " + message.header.msgType);
        socket.Send(message, message.header.dataLength, SocketFlags.None);                        
        //log.Debug("Message sent");
    catch (SocketException e)
        log.Error(e.Message + " Error code: " + e.ErrorCode);
        connected = false;

    log.Error("Not able to write - stopping sender thread and closing socket");
    connected = false;

This normally works fine and in fact my application sends several messages to the other end without a problem initially.

However, I then add 10 or so messages in quick succession to the queue, which get popped off and sent ok, seemingly - the log statements show Send() returned ok and when I look at a network trace it seems the other end has acknowledged them.

But it hasn't. The other end is in a loop calling select() with a one second timeout and this keeps coming back with no data to read, until about 30 seconds later (the same every time), all the messages arrive at the other end all at once.

C++ code from the other side of the connection -

while (m_bRunning && bOK && !bReadyToRead)
    m_bIsAlive = true;

    switch(pSocket->Select(1, true))
    case 1:     // Ready to read
        //TRACE("Data ready to be read from RAM\n");
        bReadyToRead = true;

    case 0:     // Select timed out
        if (GetTickCount() > dwTimeout)
            bOK = false;
        // else No action needed

        default:    // Error detected
            TRACE("Select returned error...\n");
            bOK = false;

// Try and read a message header
iBytesExpected = sizeof(RAM_HEADER);    

while ((m_bRunning && bOK) && (iBytesSoFar < iBytesExpected))
    m_bIsAlive = true;

    iBytesRead = pSocket->Read(pWritePos, iBytesExpected-iBytesSoFar);

The C++ select wrapper looks like this -

int CRawSocket::Select(ULONG ulTimeoutSeconds, bool bCheckRead)
    int iResult = -1;           // Error by default
    int iSelectReturn = 0;
    fd_set readSet;
    fd_set writeSet;
    struct timeval timeout;

    timeout.tv_sec = ulTimeoutSeconds;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;


    if (bCheckRead)
        FD_SET(m_hSocket, &readSet);
        iSelectReturn = select(1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
        FD_SET(m_hSocket, &writeSet);
        iSelectReturn = select(1, NULL, &writeSet, NULL, &timeout);

    if(iSelectReturn != SOCKET_ERROR)
        if (FD_ISSET(m_hSocket, &readSet))
            iResult = 1;        // Ready to READ
        else if (FD_ISSET(m_hSocket, &writeSet))
            iResult = 2;        // Ready to WRITE
            iResult = 0;        // Select TIMED OUT
        const int e = WSAGetLastError();
        ERRORLOG("Select socket error %lu\n", e);
        iResult = -1;           // Some error occurred

    return iResult;

And the read method -

int CReadWriteSocket::Read(void *pData, int nLen) 
    char* pcData = (char* )pData;
    int n = nLen;
    // if data size is bigger then network buffer
    // handle it nice
        int r1 = ::recv (m_hSocket, pcData, n, 0);
        if (r1 == SOCKET_ERROR)
            int e = WSAGetLastError();
            if (e == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
                return nLen - n;
                TRACE("Socket Read error %d\n", e);
                return -1;      // error other than would block detected
        else if (r1 == 0)       // Connection has closed
            TRACE("Socket appears to have closed (zero bytes read)\n");
            return -1;          // Show this as an "error"
        else if (r1 < 0)
            return nLen - n;

        pcData += r1;
        n -= r1;
    } while (n > 0);

    ASSERT(n == 0);
    return nLen;

I am completely confused as this seems to be standard code that I use all over the place and i've never seen a problem like this occur.

It has been suggested trying the NoDelay socket option, but that had no effect - and infact this would never cause delays of this length from what I am aware.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


TCP is a stream protocol. You cannot assume that the 'packets' you Send() are going to be delivered and received in tact. At the transmitting end, the Nagle algorithm tries to combine the data that was written in separate Send() calls to optimize delivery of the data. At the receiving end you'll Read() what is stored in the TCP buffer. If will be a combination of the transmitted packets if there's any delay. This is further complicated by the routers in between the transmitter and receiver, they are allowed to fragment an IP packet, turning a large one into multiple small ones, to accommodate the transmission channel's maximum packet size (MTU).

In other words, there is no reliable way to ensure that the packets are delivered the way they were sent. A simple workaround for this is first transmitting the size of the packet. At the receiving end you first read that size, then know how to count off the received bytes to reconstruct the packet.


I am not sure if this is your problem and I am working off of a vague memory from yesteryear so please excuse the vagueness.

I seem to remember that Socket.Select() would return indicating it has zero data to read if the stream has an error. You may want to try passing a copy of the stream list in to the error list parameter and see if you get any in error.

Your code appears to be sending to the same socket regardless of what is in writelist. I would modify it to operate on the writelist even if you only have a single socket. Otherwise you'll be attempting to send to a socket even if it has not necessarily indicated it is ready for data yet (i.e. if the Socket.Select() is returning for some other reason, such as my hunch above). This may cause the write operation to block and may be the cause of the delay you are witnessing if you are operating with more than one socket.

Finally, you can break out of your readyToWrite loop as soon as the flag is set. Better still you can recode this as:

bool readyToWrite = writelist.Any();

But I would still suggest you replace this with a foreach loop on writelist:

foreach (Socket sock in writelist)
    // do stuff


That's nicely odd. Please consider using WireShark to trace the messages and see where they're going. Unless I'm missing something obvious, I find it difficult to understand why the messages believe that they were received but really haven't. Could the client be waiting?

try int.MaxValue instead of 120000000


What does your client code look like?

Normally, I'd say that since you are running you are only sending messages locally the behavior you are seeing is almost definitely caused by Nagle's Algorithm, but setting the NoDelay property disables that.


My mistake, appears that it was an issue with a blocking read in the end.

标签: c# sockets tcp