I have implemented Entrust Roles for ACL layer. Now I'm planning to automate the permission check for each request so that, each time I don't have to write the permission for the user roles.
eg. I have company resource, and user role as 'admin', he can only view company and another user role as 'super' can manage company. In database I had provided them appropriate permissions but in the middleware to check there permission, I am planning to achieve this:
if url goes: localhost/company/create - In DB permission will be of create_company and current logged in user will be checked based on this permission.
$user->can('create_company') OR
$user->can(['create_company', 'view_company']);
Que1: Is this possible to achieve this with middle ware, where route names eg.company.create, company.show are accessible ( so that dots are replaced with '_' and we can check permission) ? How?
Que2: Is this nice approach to achieve automatic role checking or there is some other better approach.
Any help/suggestion would be highly appreciated.
Well I found the answer and to some extent I have made automated permission testing. I have created a function in the Authenticate.php
public function autocheckroles($request)
$perms = '';
$delimiter = '_'.$request->segment(1);
if(is_numeric($request->segment(2)) && is_null($request->segment(3))){
$perms = 'show'.$delimiter;
elseif($request->segment(3) == 'edit' &&
$perms = 'edit'.$delimiter;
elseif ($request->segment(2) == 'create'){
$perms = 'create'.$delimiter;
elseif(is_null($request->segment(2)) && is_null($request->segment(3)) &&
! is_null($request->segment(1))){
$perms = 'view'.$delimiter;
$perms = 'create'.$delimiter;
$perms = 'delete'.$delimiter;
elseif($request->isMethod('PUT') || $request->isMethod('PATCH')){
$perms = 'edit'.$delimiter;
return $perms;
This return me the permission based on the request method. E.g. create_perm OR create_role OR edit_role. This way, I don't have write each and every permission in middleware. It will check automatically based on the request.
// Check for the user role and automate the role permission
$perform_action = $this->autocheckroles($request);
// Super Admin with id number 1 dosen't require any permission
if((\Auth::user()->id == '1') || \Auth::user()->can($perform_action)){
return $next($request);
\Session::flash('flash_message', 'You are not authorized for this page.');
return new RedirectResponse(url('/home'));
This way, if user is not authorized he will be redirected to Dashboard (home) page and super user won't face any such authentication so he is excluded.