I am writing an application using ASP.NET MVC 5 using c#. I have a need to add a global menu on the upper right hand side of the application. I was advised other SO to use action with ChildActionOnly
So here is what I have done.
I created a BaseController like this
public class BaseController : Controller
public ActionResult ClientsMenu()
using (SomeContext db = new SomeContext())
return PartialView(db.Database.SqlQuery<Client>("SELECT * FROM clients").ToList());
Then I inherited all my controllers from BaseController
like so
public class TasksController : BaseController
public ActionResult Index(int ClientId)
return View();
public ActionResult Show(int SurveyId)
return View();
To render the ClientsMenu
in my layout I added the following code
@Html.Action("ClientsMenu", "Menus")
Now when I run my application I get the following error
The controller for path '/Tasks/Index' was not found or does not implement IController.
When I remove @Html.Action("ClientsMenu", "Menus")
from the layout everything works fine but the global menu does not show of course.
What can I do to resolve this issue?
Updated Here is what I have done after the feedback I got from the comments below
public class TasksController : Controller
public ActionResult ClientsMenu()
using (SomeContext db = new SomeContext())
return PartialView(db.Database.SqlQuery<Client>("SELECT * FROM clients").ToList());
public ActionResult Index(int ClientId)
return View();
public ActionResult Show(int SurveyId)
return View();
but still the same error