I'm working on a graphing web-app and I've decided that leaflet would make a decent graph view. I have it displaying (sort of) but I need a way to force it to update when the user enters a new formula to graph.
I'm using JQuery as well, but that shouldn't matter. Here is the relevant code:
function formulaChange(formula){
//submits a request to the server to add a graph to display
map.setView(map.getCenter(),map.getZoom(),true);//doesn't work
//and neither does:
function enterHandler(event){
var map;
var tiles;
//url is actually a servlet on the server that generates an image on the fly
tiles = L.tileLayer('./GraphTile.png?x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&tilesize={tileSize}&{s}',
maxZoom: 20,
continuousWorld: true,
tileSize: 128,
//subdomains used as a random in the URL to prevent caching
subdomains: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'
This works but won't refresh when the user clicks, the event is definitely running (I've omitted other code that updates a text display). It displays properly, but when the user adds a function to display the view never updates and leaflet continues to display cached images, only a new zoom level or panning to an area never before viewed causes it to update the tiles. The question I have is: How do I force leaflet to completely reload everything and drop and reload all the images?
EDIT added another failed attempt