For some reason I can't see new branches that one my team has entered, I am 99% sure the branch exists as I can see it in Bitbucket's UI.
I have a feeling it may be because my .git/config file is not correct.
At the moment I have this...
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
fetch = +refs/heads/testing:refs/remotes/origin/testing
fetch = +refs/heads/uat:refs/remotes/origin/uat
fetch = +refs/heads/release-1.9:refs/remotes/origin/release-1.9
I have tried "git remote update" & "git fetch origin" but both fail to get the new branch
I remember "starring" the issue here I can't see my remote branch, and changing my config to something like the following on an older laptop
git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
I would really like to know the underlying reason as to why my config file is in it's current state...perhaps I am not creating branches in the correct way?
In general when creating new branches I am doing something like
git checkout -b issue-1001
And then the following to share my branch
git push origin issue-1001