I'm exploring pure Java EE ways of doing programmatic security, especially login users, based on the jdbc realm from my glassfish server.
So basically, in my login servlet I'm doing
String username = request.getParameter("username");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
try {
request.login(username, password);
Without doing anything in my web.xml, the default realm (file) is used. I don't want that, I want to use my jdbcRealm named jdbcsecurerealm.
So I'm adding the following to my web.xml
Note that I don't add any form-login-config to define form-login-page and form-error-page.
Then if I define security constraints such as
<web-resource-name>Admin Pages</web-resource-name>
well... it works ! The request.login checks against my jdbcRealm and if I try to access secured pages without being logged in then I'm getting a nice 403.
But it seems that I'm mixing declarative security and programmatic security, because I feel that I shouldn't be declaring anything inside web.xml but rather be using request.isUserInRole.
Am I hitting a glassfish specific behaviour, or is it allowed to use programmatic security (request.login) with a jdbc realm defined inside web.xml without form-login-config ?
Update I've just seen that there is a possibility to specify a realm inside glassfish-application.xml, is it a better approach to build an ear instead of a war in order to specify the realm ?