I'd like to reach some sort of definitive answer for the following questions:
- Is alpha transparency supported in MPEG-4-based codecs?
- Is there any way to be reasonably certain that there is no alpha-channel from the output of
Some links I've found on the subject:
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/5057631/476716
Also, transparent alpha layers, an optional part of the H.264 specification, are now supported in H.264-based QuickTime movies.
- http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/alpha-channel-support-in-the-h264-decoder-in-ipp/
The support for alpha channel in the H.264 decoder is now available in Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives 6.0 version.
- http://forums.creativecow.net/readpost/335/30475
The MPEG4 Simple Studio Profile supports auxiliary channels, which could be used for alpha or depth -- and presumably even displacement, motion vectors, normals, etc.
However, I've never seen a concrete example, or indeed any details on how you use these announced features.