How to ignore some tags in XML in Jaxb

2019-02-19 00:56发布


my xml file is below:


i want to ignore <ignoreTag> and i want <CashLess> tag in my Unmarshaller process.

my class like below:

public class ExternalCases {

    List<CashLess> cashLess;

    @XmlElement(name="CashLess", required=false)
    public List<CashLess> getCashLess() {
        return cashLess;
    public void setCashLess(List<CashLess> cashLess) {
        this.cashLess = cashLess;



Ignoring ignoreTag

You could create a StAX filtered XMLStreamReader and have JAXB unmarshal that to ignore one or more XML elements.


Below is a link to a full example I gave in an answer to a similar question:

  • JAXB filtered parsing

If ignoreTag is a Grouping Element

If instead ignoreTag is a grouping element for the collection then you could map it as:

@XmlElement(name="CashLess", required=false)
public List<CashLess> getCashLess() {
    return cashLess;


Use answers of these questions::

JAXB ignoring xml tag attribute

JAXB - Ignore element

might be helpful!!!

标签: java xml jaxb