I need to convolve two one dimensional signals, one has on average 500 points (This one is a Hanning window function), the other 125000. Per run, I need to apply three times the convolution operation. I already have an implementation running based on the documentation of scipy. You can see the code here if you want to (Delphi code ahead):
function Convolve(const signal_1, signal_2 : ExtArray) : ExtArray;
capital_k : Integer;
capital_m : Integer;
smallest : Integer;
y : ExtArray;
n : Integer;
k : Integer;
lower, upper : Integer;
capital_k := Length(signal_1) + Length(signal_2) - 1;
capital_m := Math.Max(Length(signal_1), Length(signal_2));
smallest := Math.Min(Length(signal_1), Length(signal_2));
SetLength(y, capital_k);
for n := 0 to Length(y) - 1 do begin
y[n] := 0;
lower := Math.Max(n - capital_m, 0);
upper := Math.Min(n, capital_k);
for k := lower to upper do begin
if (k >= Length(signal_1)) or (n - k >= Length(signal_2)) then
y[n] := y[n] + signal_1[k] * signal_2[n - k];
Result := Slice(y,
Floor(smallest / 2) - 1,
Floor(smallest / 2) - 1 + capital_m);
The problem is, this implementation is too slow. The whole procedure takes about five minutes. I was wondering if I can find a faster way of computing that.