Decompressing a .gz file via PHP

2019-02-18 23:52发布


I need to be able to decompress through PHP some data that I have in a string which uses the gzip format. I need to do this via PHP, not by calling - through system for example - an external program.

I go to the documentation and I find gzdecode. Too bad it doesn't exist. Digging further through google it appears this function was implemented in PHP6, which I cannot use. (Interestingly enough gzencode exists and is working).

I believe - but I'm not sure - that the gzip format simply has some extra header data. Is there a way to uncompress it by manipulating this extra data and then using gzuncompress, or some other way?



gzdecode() is not yet in PHP. But you can use the implementation from upgradephp. It really is just a few extra header bytes.

Another option would be to use gzopen. Maybe just like gzopen("data:app/bin,....") even.


Well I found my answer by reading the comments on the gzdecode page I linked in my original post. One of the users, Aaron G, provided an implementation of it and it works:


function gzdecode($data) {
  $len = strlen($data);
  if ($len < 18 || strcmp(substr($data,0,2),"\x1f\x8b")) {
    return null;  // Not GZIP format (See RFC 1952)
  $method = ord(substr($data,2,1));  // Compression method
  $flags  = ord(substr($data,3,1));  // Flags
  if ($flags & 31 != $flags) {
    // Reserved bits are set -- NOT ALLOWED by RFC 1952
    return null;
  // NOTE: $mtime may be negative (PHP integer limitations)
  $mtime = unpack("V", substr($data,4,4));
  $mtime = $mtime[1];
  $xfl   = substr($data,8,1);
  $os    = substr($data,8,1);
  $headerlen = 10;
  $extralen  = 0;
  $extra     = "";
  if ($flags & 4) {
    // 2-byte length prefixed EXTRA data in header
    if ($len - $headerlen - 2 < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid format
    $extralen = unpack("v",substr($data,8,2));
    $extralen = $extralen[1];
    if ($len - $headerlen - 2 - $extralen < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid format
    $extra = substr($data,10,$extralen);
    $headerlen += 2 + $extralen;

  $filenamelen = 0;
  $filename = "";
  if ($flags & 8) {
    // C-style string file NAME data in header
    if ($len - $headerlen - 1 < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid format
    $filenamelen = strpos(substr($data,8+$extralen),chr(0));
    if ($filenamelen === false || $len - $headerlen - $filenamelen - 1 < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid format
    $filename = substr($data,$headerlen,$filenamelen);
    $headerlen += $filenamelen + 1;

  $commentlen = 0;
  $comment = "";
  if ($flags & 16) {
    // C-style string COMMENT data in header
    if ($len - $headerlen - 1 < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid format
    $commentlen = strpos(substr($data,8+$extralen+$filenamelen),chr(0));
    if ($commentlen === false || $len - $headerlen - $commentlen - 1 < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid header format
    $comment = substr($data,$headerlen,$commentlen);
    $headerlen += $commentlen + 1;

  $headercrc = "";
  if ($flags & 1) {
    // 2-bytes (lowest order) of CRC32 on header present
    if ($len - $headerlen - 2 < 8) {
      return false;    // Invalid format
    $calccrc = crc32(substr($data,0,$headerlen)) & 0xffff;
    $headercrc = unpack("v", substr($data,$headerlen,2));
    $headercrc = $headercrc[1];
    if ($headercrc != $calccrc) {
      return false;    // Bad header CRC
    $headerlen += 2;

  // GZIP FOOTER - These be negative due to PHP's limitations
  $datacrc = unpack("V",substr($data,-8,4));
  $datacrc = $datacrc[1];
  $isize = unpack("V",substr($data,-4));
  $isize = $isize[1];

  // Perform the decompression:
  $bodylen = $len-$headerlen-8;
  if ($bodylen < 1) {
    // This should never happen - IMPLEMENTATION BUG!
    return null;
  $body = substr($data,$headerlen,$bodylen);
  $data = "";
  if ($bodylen > 0) {
    switch ($method) {
      case 8:
        // Currently the only supported compression method:
        $data = gzinflate($body);
        // Unknown compression method
        return false;
  } else {
    // I'm not sure if zero-byte body content is allowed.
    // Allow it for now...  Do nothing...

  // Verifiy decompressed size and CRC32:
  // NOTE: This may fail with large data sizes depending on how
  //       PHP's integer limitations affect strlen() since $isize
  //       may be negative for large sizes.
  if ($isize != strlen($data) || crc32($data) != $datacrc) {
    // Bad format!  Length or CRC doesn't match!
    return false;
  return $data;



Try gzinflate.


Did you tried gzuncompress?