So i figured out a way of doing this, but is there an easier way to do it?
What i want to do is just to add .class after the %th tag if params[:sort] == sortBy, do i really need to have the rest of the HAML in the helper-method?
This is my helper method from my helper.rb file:
def yellow?(sortBy,name,id)
haml_tag :th, class: "#{'hilite' if params[:sort]== sortBy}" do
haml_concat link_to name, movies_path(sort: sortBy),{:id => id}
This is from my HAML file:
- yellow?("title","Movie Title","title_header")
%th Rating
Have you tried this solution:
%th{ :class => if params[:sort] == 'sortBy' then 'hilite' end }
= link_to "Movie Title", movies_path(:sort => 'title'), :id => "title_header"
%th Rating
You can move this statement: if params[:sort] == 'sortBy' then 'hilite' end
to a helper. Take a look to my similar answer: haml two spaces issue.
You can also do it this way:
def hilite
params[:sort] == 'sortBy' ? { class: 'hilite' } : {}
%th{ hilite }
= link_to "Movie Title", movies_path(:sort => 'title'), :id => "title_header"
%th Rating
I used this approach to make a span_field_opts helper, to mimic a disabled field via Bootstrap classes:
def span_field_opts
{ class: "form-control cursor-none", disabled: true }