I'm starting to use Inno Setup, and I have some problems with my INI file encoding.
I want to save user input in the INI file, and this input can contain accents.
I use Inno Setup Unicode, my setupScript.iss is UTF-8 encoded, and here is my code (a part) :
Filename: "{app}\www\conf\config.ini"; Section: "Settings"; Key: "ca.plafondAnnuel"; String: "{code:GetUser|Plafond}"
Filename: "{app}\www\conf\config.ini"; Section: "Settings"; Key: "app.siren"; String: "{code:GetUser|Siren}"
Filename: "{app}\www\conf\config.ini"; Section: "Settings"; Key: "app.adresse"; String: "{code:GetUser|Adresse}"
UserPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;
ExamplePage : TInputOptionWizardPage;
ImmatriculationPage : TInputOptionWizardPage;
FakeElemIndex: Integer;
FakeElem: TCustomEdit;
AdresseTextarea: TNewMemo;
procedure InitializeWizard;
UserPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome,
'Configuration de l''application', '',
'Configurez ici votre application. Une fois installée, vous pourrez modifier ces valeurs.');
UserPage.Add('Siren :', False);
UserPage.Add('Plafond annuel (utilisé par les auto-entreprises, mettre 0 si vous ne souhaitez pas plafonner votre chiffre d''affaire.):', False);
FakeElemIndex := UserPage.Add('Votre adresse complète (telle qu''elle s''affichera sur les devis et factures, avec nom complet):', False);
FakeElem := UserPage.Edits[FakeElemIndex];
AdresseTextarea := TNewMemo.Create(WizardForm);
AdresseTextarea.Parent := FakeElem.Parent;
AdresseTextarea.SetBounds(FakeElem.Left, FakeElem.Top, FakeElem.Width, ScaleY(50));
// Hide the original single-line edit
FakeElem.Visible := False;
function GetUser(Param: String): String;
if Param = 'Adresse' then
Result := AdresseTextarea.Text
else if Param = 'Siren' then
Result := UserPage.Values[0]
else if Param = 'Plafond' then
Result := UserPage.Values[1];
The value returned by getUser|Adresse
in the [INI]
part is not UTF-8 encoded: I open the INI file with Notepad++ and I see the file is UTF-8 encoded. But the value adresse
is ANSI encoded (If I change the encoding of the file to ANSI, this value is readable)
Someone can help me understand how can I save this user input in UTF-8 ?
Thanks a lot !