I am new to this topic, therefore I hope I use the right vocabulary. Is it possible to get the possibility of Jarsigner within Java self?
I need the possibility to do the following things programatically:
- verify if a jar is signed with a certain private key from a keystore
- if the jar is verified: unsign the jar
- sign the jar with another private key from an official certificate authority, which is in the same or in another keystore
In pseudo-code I imagine something like this:
JarVerifier verifier = new JarVerifier(/*all needed parameters like the location of the keystore*/);
verifier.verify(jarFile); //returns a value which indicates the result (an Enum or an integer value)
Signing the jar should work in a similar way:
JarSigner signer = new JarSigner(/*all needed parameters like the location of the keystore, passwords, alias*/);
I know that this is a duplicate of many other questions, but I am not happy with their answers. The solution of these answers is in most cases a self-written class, a modification of a class found from OpenJDK or a hint that the code needs still to be written and how this can be done. This is not acceptable for me, because they are not maintained (or I have to write and maintain the classes myself), I know nothing about their correctness (especially if I have to write the code myself) and license issues.
What I don't get is that there seems to be no easy solution provided by Oracle, especially as it is such a critical topic, where an error might lead to an insecure system.