In my template, I have a div I want to use as a tooltip of sorts. When I have a model selected, the tooltip shows, and then I use tether to put it in the correct spot. If I set tether immediately after setting the model that makes the element show, it's size isn't computed properly and Tether doesn't properly limit constraints. If I debounce it with a setTimeout, I can get it in the right place, but that feels hokey. My question:
Is there some sort of callback mechanism I can attach to that is called after show.bind has made the element visible?
My template:
<div ref="tooltip" show.bind="selectedAlert" class="homepage-stats-tooltip panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-body">
The function that sets the model and calls Tether:
showTip(event, state) {
if (!state) {
console.log(`Show tip for ${state.Name}.`);
this.selectedAlert = state;
setTimeout(() => {
new Tether({
element: this.tooltip,
attachment: "top left",
targetAttachment: "top right",
constraints: [
to: this.usMap,
pin: true,
attachment: 'together'
}, 10);