I have a pie chart with drilldown data.
Is it possible to hide the default back button and to trigger the back function from my own button?
I have a pie chart with drilldown data.
Is it possible to hide the default back button and to trigger the back function from my own button?
Yes, it's possible. Just create your own button and after click call chart.drillUp()
function. See docs.
Highcharts v5 and v6: In Highcharts 5 classes were added to every element on a chart, so we can simply hide the button: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/zzLuQ/87/
.highcharts-drillup-button {
display: none;
Highcharts v4:
To disable default button, set text to empty string, see: http://jsfiddle.net/zzLuQ/
lang: {
drillUpText: ''