does pdfium expose its api to javascript? i want t

2019-02-18 17:02发布


as we all know pdfium is now part of chrome, and this is a nice pdf render, but i am confronted with some problem.

the code is as follows, the default page is 12 as sepcified by the #page=12 assignment, when this page is opened, i could jump or navigate to other pages, but how to get the page number using javascript? is there any js api i can use to the get the page number?

<style type="text/css">
  .pdf {
    width: 100%;
    height: 99%;


<iframe class="pdf" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>


I was finding the JS API too. On

there are the following methods if someone need it:

object accessibility()
bool   documentLoadComplete()
number getHeight()
number getHorizontalScrollbarThickness()
string getPageLocationNormalized()
number getVerticalScrollbarThickness()
number getWidth()
double getZoomLevel()
void   goToPage(int arg)
void   grayscale(bool arg)
void   loadPreviewPage(string arg0, int arg1)
void   onload(function arg)
void   onPluginSizeChanged(function arg)
void   onScroll(function arg)
number pageXOffset()
number pageYOffset()
void   printPreviewPageCount(int arg)
void   reload()
void   removePrintButton()
void   resetPrintPreviewUrl(string arg)
void   sendKeyEvent(number arg)
void   setPageNumbers(string arg)
void   setPageXOffset(number arg)
void   setPageYOffset(number arg)
void   setZoomLevel(double arg)
void   fitToHeight()
void   fitToWidth()
void   zoomIn()
void   zoomOut()
void   print()

an example to get the current page is like that

        <script type='text/javascript'>

            window.addEventListener('load', function(){

                var embed = document.getElementsByName('plugin')[0];
                // this method should return the page location (not the page number, i suppose that made some calculation on the portion of PDF that is showed in the embed window)
                // we can use other api methods

            }, false);
    <body marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' style='background-color: rgb(38,38,38)' width='100%' height='100%'>
        <embed width='100%' height='100%' name='plugin' src='path_to_pdf_file' type='application/pdf' />