I've spent about 12 hours looking through this code, and fiddling with it, trying to find out where there's a recursion problem because I'm getting the, "maximum call stack size exceeded," error, and haven't found it. Someone smarter than me please help me!
so far, all I found was that when I make the object, spot
, a circle
, object, the problem disappears, but when I make it a, 'pip', I get this stack overflow error. I've gone over the pip class with a friggin' microscope, and still have no idea why this is happening!
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
// Classes
//CLASS - point
function point(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// CLASS - drawableItem
function drawableItem() {
var size = 0;
this.center = new point(0,0);
this.lineWidth = 1;
this.dependentDrawableItems = new Array();
//returns the size
drawableItem.prototype.getSize = function getSize(){
return this.size;
// changes the size of this item and the relative size of all dependents
drawableItem.prototype.changeSize = function(newSize){
var relativeItemSizes = new Array;
relativeItemSizes.length = this.dependentDrawableItems.length;
// get the relative size of all dependent items
for (var i = 0; i < this.dependentDrawableItems.length; i++){
relativeItemSizes[i] = this.dependentDrawableItems[i].getSize() / this.size;
// change the size
this.size = newSize;
// apply the ratio of change back to all dependent items
for (var i = 0; i < relativeItemSizes.length; i++){
this.dependentDrawableItems[i].changeSize(relativeItemSizes[i] * newSize);
//moves all the vertices and every dependent to an absolute point based on center
drawableItem.prototype.moveTo = function(moveX,moveY){
//record relative coordinates
var relativeItems = new Array;
relativeItems.length = this.dependentDrawableItems.length;
for (var i = 0; i < relativeItems.length; i++){
relativeItems[i] = new point;
relativeItems[i].x = this.dependentDrawableItems[i].center.x - this.center.x;
relativeItems[i].y = this.dependentDrawableItems[i].center.y - this.center.y;
//move the center
this.center.x = moveX;
this.center.y = moveY;
//move all the items relative to the center
for (var i = 0; i < relativeItems.length; i++){
this.dependentDrawableItems[i].moveItemTo(this.center.x + relativeItems[i].x,
this.center.y + relativeItems[i].y);
// draws every object in dependentDrawableItems
drawableItem.prototype.draw = function(ctx){
for (var i = 0; i < this.dependentDrawableItems.length; i++) {
//CLASS - circle
function circle(isFilledCircle){
this.isFilled = isFilledCircle
circle.prototype = new drawableItem();
circle.prototype.parent = drawableItem.prototype;
circle.prototype.constructor = circle;
circle.prototype.draw = function(ctx){
ctx.arc(this.center.x, this.center.y, this.size, 0, 2*Math.PI);
ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = this.outlineColor;
if (this.isFilled === true){
}else {
//CLASS - pip
function pip(size){
pip.prototype = new circle(false);
pip.prototype.parent = circle.prototype;
pip.prototype.constructor = pip;
// Objects/variables - top layer is last (except drawable area is first)
var drawableArea = new drawableItem();
var spot = new pip();
drawableArea.dependentDrawableItems[drawableArea.dependentDrawableItems.length] = spot;
// Draw loop
function drawScreen() {
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
context.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
spot.moveTo(context.canvas.width/2, context.canvas.height/2);
window.addEventListener('resize', drawScreen);
Here's the demo: http://jsfiddle.net/DSU8w/
is your problem. On a pip
object, the parent will be circle.prototype
. So when you now call spot.draw()
, it will call spot.parent.draw.call(spot)
, where this.parent
is still the circle.prototype
You will need to explicitly invoke drawableItem.prototype.draw.call(this)
from circle.prototype.draw
. Btw, you should not use new
for the prototype chain.
Why would you write code like that? It's so difficult to understand and debug. When I'm creating lots of classes I usually use augment
to structure my code. This is how I would rewrite your code:
var Point = Object.augment(function () {
this.constructor = function (x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Using augment
you can create classes cleanly. For example your drawableItem
class could be restructured as follows:
var DrawableItem = Object.augment(function () {
this.constructor = function () {
this.size = 0;
this.lineWidth = 1;
this.dependencies = [];
this.center = new Point(0, 0);
this.changeSize = function (toSize) {
var fromSize = this.size;
var ratio = toSize / fromSize;
this.size = toSize;
var dependencies = this.dependencies;
var length = dependencies.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < length) {
var dependency = dependencies[index++];
dependency.changeSize(dependency.size * ratio);
this.moveTo = function (x, y) {
var center = this.center;
var dx = x - center.x;
var dy = y - center.y;
center.x = x;
center.y = y;
var dependencies = this.dependencies;
var length = dependencies.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < length) {
var dependency = dependencies[index++];
var center = dependency.center;
dependency.moveTo(center.x + dx, center.y + dy);
this.draw = function (context) {
var dependencies = this.dependencies;
var length = dependencies.length;
var index = 0;
while (index < length) dependencies[index++].draw(context);
Inheritance is also very simple. For example you can restructure your circle
and pip
classes as follows:
var Circle = DrawableItem.augment(function (base) {
this.constructor = function (filled) {
this.filled = filled;
this.draw = function (context) {
var center = this.center;
var x = center.x;
var y = center.y;
context.moveTo(x, y);
context.arc(x, y, this.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
context.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
context[this.filled ? "fill" : "stroke"]();
base.draw.call(this, context);
var Pip = Circle.augment(function (base) {
this.constructor = function () {
base.constructor.call(this, true);
Now that you've created all your classes you can finally get down to the drawing:
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var drawableArea = new DrawableItem;
var spot = new Pip;
window.addEventListener("resize", drawScreen, false);
function drawScreen() {
var width = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
var height = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
spot.moveTo(width / 2, height / 2);
}, false);
We're done. See the demo for yourself: http://jsfiddle.net/b5vNk/
Not only have we made your code more readable, understandable and maintainable but we have also solved your recursion problem.
As Bergi mentioned the problem was with the statement this.parent.draw.call(this,ctx)
in the circle.prototype.draw
function. Since spot.parent
is circle.prototype
the this.parent.draw.call(this,ctx)
statement is equivalent to circle.prototype.draw.call(this,ctx)
. As you can see the circle.prototype.draw
function now calls itself recursively until it exceeds the maximum recursion depth and throws an error.
The augment
library solves this problem elegantly. Instead of having to create a parent
property on every prototype when you augment a class augment
provides you the prototype
of that class as a argument (we call it base
var DerivedClass = BaseClass.augment(function (base) {
console.log(base === BaseClass.prototype); // true
The base
argument should be treated as a constant. Because it's a constant base.draw.call(this, context)
in the Circle
class above will always be equivalent to DrawableItem.prototype.draw.call(this, context)
. Hence you will never have unwanted recursion. Unlike this.parent
the base
argument will alway point to the correct prototype.
Bergi's answer is correct, if you don't want to hard code the parent name multiple times you could use a helper function to set up inheritance:
function inherits(Child,Parent){
function DrawableItem() {
DrawableItem.prototype.changeSize = function(newSize){
console.log("changeSize from DrawableItem");
console.log("invoking object is:",this.name);
function Circle(isFilledCircle){
this.name="Circle";//override name
Circle.prototype.changeSize = function(newSize){
console.log("and some more from circle");
function Pip(size){
var spot = new Pip();
For a polyfill on Object.create look here.