I have a tiff image stored in memory (in a javascript variable). What is the javascript or html technique for displaying this image in the browser window? Is there a "drawimage" type of function?
Native browser-support for tiff files is still pretty bad.
Wikipedia has a nice overview on browsers Image format support.
That being said; since a .tiff image is still essentially a raster-image, one could indeed convert it (the tricky part is stuff like supporting different compression-algorithms like PACKBITS, DEFLATE, LZW, etc) to another (browser-supported) raster-format (so one could feed it as a data:img
There is a library called Tiffus: a client side pure Javascript imaging library to load, save and manipulate binary images.
The original project aim was was to create a plain Javascript chrome extension which can convert single/multi page TIFF image/s to BMP/GIF image (this is where the name came from).
However now it supports:
- Windows BMP (no compression, RLE)
- OS/2 BMP
and currently supports the folloing image functions:
- load
- save
- resize
- flip
- invert color
Basically it works like this:
- Source image downloaded as Binary Data using XMLHttpRequest with MimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); (future: HTML5 Canvas ImageData)
- Imageprocessing using Tiffus
- Desination image shown as Data URI scheme (future: HTML5 Canvas ImageData)
Note that according to the above; the author expects to use HTML5 Canvas ImageData
in the future.
Hope this helps!