here is the problem I am trying to solve - I am not sure it is possible at all. I have a web app and I need to enable data copy/paste from the app and to the app, and I have a problem with paste. If I past with CTRL + V shortcut I can get the data from the clipboard using
in 'paste' eventhandler and it works fine. What I need to enable is 'Paste' from custom context menu and my first try was to dispatch paste event manually like this
var event = new KeyboardEvent('paste', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
and it actually hit paste eventhandler, but I couldn't get access to clipboard data like in the previous case. I understand that this is forbidden because of security issues - if this was allowed any page would be able to access data from the clipboard. My question is how to implement this - we are able to copy data from excel to e.g. google drive document and paste it there using a custom context menu (, so I believe it is possible. Thank u all!
So, in my web application I have a custom context menu which has 'Paste' action (bunch of '<li>'
tags in a popup). And when the user click on 'Paste' I call this function
if (browser === 'CHROME') {
var extensionId = 'some_id';
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extensionId, { message: "getClipboardData" },
function (clipboardData) {
console.log('Clipboard data: ', clipboardData);
var txt = $('.helper_textarea');
// Call 'paste' function we have clipboard data
In my extension I have i paste.js file I have
function getDataFromClipboard() {
var bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
var helperTextArea = bg.document.getElementById('sandbox');
if (helperTextArea == null) {
helperTextArea = bg.document.createElement('textarea');
helperTextArea.value = '';;
// Clipboard data
var clipboardData = '';
clipboardData = helperTextArea.value;
helperTextArea.value = '';
return clipboardData;
function(req, sender, callback) {
if (req) {
if (req.message) {
if (req.message == "installed") {
console.log('Checking is extension is installed!');
else if(req.message = "getClipboardData") {
console.log('Get clipboard data');
return true;
And in manifest file
"background" : {
"scripts" : [ "paste.js" ]
"externally_connectable": {
"matches": ["*://localhost:*/*"]
and of course
"permissions": ["clipboardRead" ],
I use this function to check if extension is added
isExtensionInstalled: function (extensionId, callback) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(extensionId, { message: "installed" },
function (reply) {
if (reply) {
} else {
And this is working great. Now the problem is how to port this to Edge. What is equivalent to 'chrome.runtime.sendMessage'
in Edge? Thanks for your help.