Does anyone know how to pass a url parameter to a local page in the Web Browser Control?
When you navigate to the page alone "/Html/MyPage.html"
all is well but as soon as you add a parameter "/Html/MyPage.html?Message=Hello"
I get an error page stating that we could not navigate to the page.
Any ideas?
As another workaround you can pass your arguments as location hash parameter (if it is not used)
browser.Navigate(new Uri("www/index.html#p=123&p2=567", UriKind.Relative));
and then in index.html
var args = window.location.hash;
(args = '#p=123&p2=567')
Tested on WP7 (index.html is stored in isolated storage) + WP8 (index.html is loaded directly from XAP)
As a dirty workaround that just works you can implement this as following:
A. Navigate to the page w/o any parameters
B. Attach arguments passing logic below to one of the following events
WebBrowser.Navigated Event - when successfully navigated
WebBrowser.LoadCompleted Event - occurs after the WebBrowser control has loaded content.
C. Inject arguments to html page using webBrowser.InvokeScript (C#)
webBrowser.InvokeScript("eval", new string[] {"processArgs('someArgs') or any generated/custom script"});
webBrowser.InvokeScript("processArgs", new string[] {"someArgs"});
where processArgs is defined somewhere in your html file.