
How to use predicate builder with linq2sql and OR

2019-02-18 12:44发布


I have two tables (TABLE1, TABLE2 - unique i know) that has a 1-to-many relationship respectively and a foreign key between ID columns of both tables.

Using linq2sql I am trying to select all TABLE1 entries such that their corresponding TABLE2 values contains at least 1 item in the list I pass it.

Here's some sample code I was using in LINQPad (awesome program) to test it out however am getting the error NotSupportedException: Unsupported overload used for query operator 'Any'.

long[] items = { 3, 5, 8 };
var predicate = PredicateBuilder.False<TABLE2>();

foreach (long i in items)
    long t = i;
    predicate = predicate.Or(att => att.ID == t);

//TABLE2.Where(predicate).Dump(); //works like a charm

IQueryable query = 
    from t1 in TABLE1
    where t1.TABLE2.AsQueryable().Any(predicate) //problem with this line
    select a;



When using LinqKit in LinqPad add the reference to LinqKit.dll, uncheck Include PredicateBuilder and then also add LinqKit under Additional Namespace Imports tab.


The workaround is

  1. Call AsExpandable() on the TABLE1 object
  2. Call Compile() on the expression variable, when used on an EntitySet.

So your final query is

IQueryable query = 
    from t1 in TABLE1.AsExpandable()
    where t1.TABLE2.Any(predicate.Compile()) //the problem should disappear
    select a;

More information here.