Find if a value exist in a CSV file with PHP

2019-02-18 12:42发布


This is my code to check if a row of my .csv file contains a specific name, but it does not work.

I think it has something to do with the if statement.

$file_handle = fopen("sources.csv", "r");

while (!feof($file_handle) ) {

    $line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);

    if ($line_of_text[0] = 'paul') {
        echo 'Found';

I am trying to check in sources.csv files, for the name 'Paul' .

I can't use a database like MySQL for technical reasons.


Since you haven't provided a sample of your file, am submitting the following as an alternative.

Do note that in your present code, you are assigning using a single equal sign = instead of comparing using == or ===, just saying as an FYI.

if ($line_of_text[0] = 'paul') should read as if ($line_of_text[0] == 'paul')

Assuming the following .csv format (will work even without the commas) and is case-sensitive, consult Footnotes regarding case-insensitive search.

Paul, Larry, Robert


$search      = "Paul";
$lines       = file('sources.csv');
$line_number = false;

while (list($key, $line) = each($lines) and !$line_number) {

   $line_number = (strpos($line, $search) !== FALSE);



   echo "Results found for " .$search;


   echo "No results found for $search";


For a case-insensitive search, use stripos()

$line_number = (stripos($line, $search) !== FALSE);

Row number found on...

To give you the row's number where it was found:

$line_number = (strpos($line, $search) !== FALSE) ? $count : $line_number;

or (case-insensitive)

$line_number = (stripos($line, $search) !== FALSE) ? $count : $line_number;

then just echo $line_number;


Try using in_array instead of ==

if(in_array('paul', $line_of_text)) {
  // FOUND


Your problem is this line:

if ($line_of_text[0] = 'paul') {

This will always be true because you are assigning the value paul to $line_of_text[0] with the assign operator =. What you want to do is check if the two are equal, so you need to use the equality operator, ==. The line of code should be:

if ($line_of_text[0] == 'paul') {

There is also the === equality operator in PHP which checks for the same value AND same type. (This is a particularly nasty feature of PHP when compared to compiled languages)

e.g. consider: `$foo = 5; $bar = "5";

if ($foo === $bar)  // this will be false because foo is an int, and bar is a string

if ($foo == $bar) // this will be true

Don't be confused with the != comparison operator:

if ($foo != $bar) // foo is not equal to bar (note the single =)