I need an help for positioning a JPanel in a specific position into a Jframe.
I have a JPanel in a class who extends JFrame, and I need to put this JPanel in a specific x,y position.
It's something like this:
public class Frame extends JFrame {
public Frame(){
this.setLocation(250, 250);
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
panel.setLocation(150, 150);
panel.add(new JButton("Hello!")); // just to show JPanel
I don't need a LayoutManager for the position of the JPanel, because I need to put that JPanel in a specific position (like 150,150 of the example). But if I do panel.setLocation(150,150) like in the code above, nothing happens, and JPanel remain in the north-centre of the frame (also if I change x,y number instead of 150,150).
And it shows like this: