I need to check if a image exists in the folder using Angular 4.I have a list of image name that is returned from the server. What I need is to check if that image exists in the asset folder. Any help or idea would be great.
Try this. Answer found on link
// The "callback" argument is called with either true or false
// depending on whether the image at "url" exists or not.
function imageExists(url, callback) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() { callback(true); };
img.onerror = function() { callback(false); };
img.src = url;
// Sample usage
var imageUrl = 'http://www.google.com/images/srpr/nav_logo14.png';
imageExists(imageUrl, function(exists) {
console.log('RESULT: url=' + imageUrl + ', exists=' + exists);
I would like to warn you. Becareful with it, It can run you to performance issue for checking more images at once due to it's loading images to memory if exists.