Can I do ssh-add against the identifyFile that stay forever, currently it prevail only for the current active ssh session (i.e identityFile added using ssh-add get lost when a new ssh session is made with the server can be found by running ssh-add -L )
The problem is that our amazon server has various projects with repo resting in github.
Now each one of the repo has access right based on the users say user A has access right only for project A and B has an access right on project B only
With that access right set(in github) now each user can perform git operation(like git fetch, git push etc) only to there respective project (which is what we want)
Now all I want is when a user perform a git operation on there respective project I want ssh-agent to take all ssh-keys in accounts and look for the one that match to that specific users
that each ssh-key has a phrases(a unique secret know to each user there own) associated with it, prompted to enter when perform git function.
to achieve this we do
ssh-add /root/.ssh/A
ssh-add /root/.ssh/B
But as mention earlier this only stay for the active ssh-session ,exit or make a new ssh session with the server the ssh-add info is lost. can be found by running ssh-add -L
I have also tried defining IdentityFile in .ssh/config like this describe in this question
something like this
User git
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/A
User git
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/B
This only work for one user (sometime it work for 'A' and sometime it doesnt ,same is with 'B' too)
Can this segregation be achieved or am I sounding a bit over ambitious