Using a counter inside an apply structured loop in

2019-02-18 07:58发布


I'm trying to plot from a rather complex array in R. I want to produce an image with 3 by 3 graphs, each with red and blue points on it.

I've got a structure of apply loops which works, but I'd like to change the y maximum value by each row.

I would normally do this using a counter, like i, in other languages. But the apply thing in R is completely baffling me!

par(mfrow=c(3,3),pty="s")             # a 3 by 3 graphic

x <- 1:54                             # with 1 to 54 along the x axis

y <- array(rexp(20), dim=c(54,6,3,2)) # and the y axis coming 
                                      # from an array with dimensions as shown.

ymax <- c(1,0.1,0.3)                  # three different y maximum values I want 
                                      # on the graphic, one for each row of graphs

counter <- 1                          # a counter, starting at 1, 
                                      # as I would use in a traditional loop

apply(y[,3:5,,], 2, function(i)       # my first apply, which only considers
                                      # the 3rd, 4th and 5th columns

    yy <- ymax[counter]               # using the counter to select my ylimit maximum

    apply(i, 2, function (ii)         # my second apply, considering the 3rd 
                                      # dimension of y
            plot(x,ii[,1], col="blue", ylim=c(0,yy)) 

                                      # plotting the 4th dimension

                points(x,ii[,2], col="red") 

                                      # adding points in a different 
                                      # colour from the 4th dim. 


Thank you in advance for your thoughts, they are very much appreciated!

Cheers Kate


The key thing here is to use lapply on the index rather than on the array itself, so then you can use the index to subset both your y limits and the array ahead of the inner loop. This also avoids having to use the <<- construct.

Simplified your data a bit:

par(mfrow=c(3,3),pty="s")             # a 3 by 3 graphic
x <- 1:10                             # with 1 to 54 along the x axis
dims <- c(10,6,3,2)
y <- array(rexp(prod(dims)), dim=c(10,6,3,2)) # and the y axis coming 
ymax <- c(1,0.1,0.3)

lapply(1:3, function(counter, arr) {
    arr[ ,counter + 2, , ], 2, 
    function(ii) {
      plot(x, ii[,1], col="blue", ylim=c(0,ymax[counter]))
      points(x, ii[,2], col="red") 
    } )


I think it might be easier to use loops in this case. Also, your code does not have a line to update the counter, like counter <- counter + 1. From inside apply you will need to assign to the global environment using <<-, note the doubled smaller < sign. An example using lapply, e.g.

Single lapply usage

counter <- 0
lapply(1:3, function(x) {
  counter <<- counter + 1
  cat("outer", counter, "\n")
  plot(1:10, main=counter)

Or nested usage of lapply

counter <- 0
lapply(1:3, function(x) {
  counter <<- counter + 1
  cat("outer", counter, "\n")
  lapply(1:3, function(x) {
    counter <<- counter + 1
    cat("inner", counter, "\n") 
    plot(1:10, main=counter)     


I am not going to rewrite your code as I must say it is difficult to comprehend, but this will help: you can update a variable outside of the scope of apply by using <<- assignment, e.g. to update some external "counter"