I am trying to work out how to make bash (force?) expand variables in a string (which was loaded from a file).
I have a file called "something.txt" with the contents:
hello $FOO world
I then run
export FOO=42
echo $(cat something.txt)
this returns:
hello $FOO world
It didn't expand $FOO even though the variable was set. I can't eval or source the file - as it will try and execute it (it isn't executable as it is - I just want the string with the variables interpolated).
Any ideas?
I stumbled on what I think is THE answer to this question: the envsubst
envsubst < something.txt
In case it's not already available in your distro, it's in the
GNU package gettext
- I wrote a little wrapper script to take care of the '\$' problem.
(BTW, there is a "feature" of envsubst, explained at
for expanding only some of the variables in the input, but I
agree that escaping the exceptions is much more convenient.)
Here's my script:
#! /bin/bash
## -*-Shell-Script-*-
Usage="usage: $CmdName runs envsubst, but allows '\$' to keep variables from
being expanded.
With option -sl '\$' keeps the back-slash.
Default is to replace '\$' with '$'
if [[ $1 = -h ]] ;then echo -e >&2 "$Usage" ; exit 1 ;fi
if [[ $1 = -sl ]] ;then sl='\' ; shift ;fi
sed 's/\\\$/\${EnVsUbDolR}/g' | EnVsUbDolR=$sl\$ envsubst "$@"
Many of the answers using eval
and echo
kind of work, but break on various things, such as multiple lines, attempting to escaping shell meta-characters, escapes inside the template not intended to be expanded by bash, etc.
I had the same issue, and wrote this shell function, which as far as I can tell, handles everything correctly. This will still strip only trailing newlines from the template, because of bash's command substitution rules, but I've never found that to be an issue as long as everything else remains intact.
apply_shell_expansion() {
declare file="$1"
declare data=$(< "$file")
declare delimiter="__apply_shell_expansion_delimiter__"
declare command="cat <<$delimiter"$'\n'"$data"$'\n'"$delimiter"
eval "$command"
For example, you can use it like this with a parameters.cfg
which is really a shell script that just sets variables, and a template.txt
which is a template that uses those variables:
. parameters.cfg
printf "%s\n" "$(apply_shell_expansion template.txt)" > result.txt
In practice, I use this as a sort of lightweight template system.
you can try
echo $(eval echo $(cat something.txt))
You don't want to print each line, you want to evaluate it so that Bash can perform variable substitutions.
while read; do
eval echo "$REPLY"
done < something.txt
See help eval
or the Bash manual for more information.
Another approach (which seems icky, but I am putting it here anyway):
Write the contents of something.txt to a temp file, with an echo statement wrapped around it:
something=$(cat something.txt)
echo "echo \"" > temp.out
echo "$something" >> temp.out
echo "\"" >> temp.out
then source it back in to a variable:
RESULT=$(source temp.out)
and the $RESULT will have it all expanded. But it seems so wrong !
If you only want the variable references to be expanded (an objective that I had for myself) you could do the below.
contents="$(cat something.txt)"
echo $(eval echo \"$contents\")
(The escaped quotes around $contents is key here)
method, (one-line variant of Michael Neale's answer),
using process & command substitution:
FOO=42 . <(echo -e echo $(<something.txt))
hello 42 world
Note that export
isn't needed.
GNU sed
valuate method, if something.txt has many lines:
FOO=42 sed 's/"/\\\"/g;s/.*/echo "&"/e' something.txt
Following solution:
allows replacing of variables which are defined
leaves unchanged variables placeholders which are not defined. This is especially useful during automated deployments.
supports replacement of variables in following formats:
reports which variables are not defined in environment and returns error code for such cases
for VARNAME in $(grep -P -o -e '\$[\{]?(\w+)*[\}]?' ${TARGET_FILE} | sort -u); do
VARNAME2=$(echo $VARNAME| sed -e 's|^\${||g' -e 's|}$||g' -e 's|^\$||g' );
if [ "xxx" = "xxx$VAR_VALUE2" ]; then
echo "$VARNAME is undefined ";
echo "replacing $VARNAME with $VAR_VALUE2" ;
if [ ${ERR_CNT} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found $ERR_CNT undefined environment variables";
exit 1
$ eval echo $(cat something.txt)
hello 42 world
$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin17)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
is a great solution (see LenW's answer) if the content you're substituting is of "reasonable" length.
In my case, I needed to substitute in a file's content to replace the variable name. envsubst
requires that the content be exported as environment variables and bash has a problem when exporting environment variables that are more than a megabyte or so.
awk solution
Using cuonglm's solution from a different question:
needle="doc1_base64" # The "variable name" in the file. (A $ is not needed.)
needle_file="doc1_base64.txt" # Will be substituted for the needle
haystack=$requestfile1 # File containing the needle
awk "BEGIN{getline l < \"${needle_file}\"}/${needle}/{gsub(\"${needle}\",l)}1" $haystack > $out
This solution works for even large files.
file=something.txt # in a file is written: Hello $foo world!
eval echo $(cat $file)
The following works: bash -c "echo \"$(cat something.txt)"\"