I am having some trouble making a simple form to insert data into a MySQL table. I keep getting this SQL error:
"Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'stock ('ItemNumber', 'Stock') VALUES ('#4','3'')' at line 1"
My HTML for the form is:
<form action="database.php" method="post">
Item Number: <input type="text" name="ItemNumber">
Stock: <input type="text" name="Stock">
<input type="submit">
And the PHP is:
if (mysqli_connect_errno($con))
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$sql = "INSERT INTO current stock ('ItemNumber', 'Stock')
if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
echo "1 record added";
try this
you should not use quotes of parameter around POST . and you should use them inside POST
$sql = "INSERT INTO `current stock` (ItemNumber, Stock)
('".$_POST['ItemNumber']."', '".$_POST['Stock']."' )";
you should escape your variables before you insert them to mysql like that
- Note that the example does not call
. You would only need to use mysqli_real_escape_string
if you were embedding the string directly in the query, but I would advise you to never do this. Always use parameters whenever possible.
You have an extra quote and you need ticks around your table name as it contains a space.
INSERT INTO current stock ('ItemNumber', 'Stock')
should be:
INSERT INTO `current stock` (`ItemNumber`, `Stock`)
FYI, you also wide open to SQL injections
$conn=new mysqli("localhost","root","","inventory")
or die("not connected".mysqli_connect_error());
$sql="insert into current stock(ItemNumber,Stock) values('$ItemNumber','$Stock')";
echo"1 row inserted";
echo mysqli_error($conn);
Please learn to use parameter binding. You are creating code with security vulnerabilities.
Here's how to do your code in mysqli:
$sql = "INSERT INTO current stock (ItemNumber, Stock) VALUES (?, ?)";
if (!($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $sql))) {
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
if (!mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "ii", $_POST[ItemNumber], $_POST[Stock])) {
die('Error: ' . mysqli_stmt_error($stmt));
if (!mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) {
die('Error: ' . mysqli_stmt_error($stmt));
It's easier to use bound parameters than to get all confused with quotes-within-quotes.
<form action="database.php" method="post">
Item Number: <input type="text" name="ItemNumber">
Stock: <input type="text" name="Stock">
<input type="submit" name="submit">