I have an indexed model called Article and I don't want solr to index unpublished articles.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable do
text :title
text :body
How can I specify that article that is not #published? should not be indexed?
Be sure to index the published status.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable do
text :title
text :body
boolean :is_published, :using => :published?
Then add a filter to your query
Sunspot.search(Article) do |search|
search.with(:is_published, true)
# ...
If you want to make sure unpublished articles are never included in the search index, you can do it this way instead:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
searchable :if => :published? do
text :title
text :body
The model will then only be indexed when published.
My approach is less interesting if you also want admins to be able to search for articles, including unpublished ones, however.
Note: calling article.index!
will add the instance to the index regardless of the :if => :method
A small look into the code base of sunspot_rails reveals a method called maybe_mark_for_auto_indexing
which will be added to the models that include solr. You could override that method and set @marked_for_auto_indexing
based on your criteria in the specific model. Its monkey patching but can help you solve the problem. The code for ur reference is in lib/sunspot/searchable.rb