Here are two decorators I'd like to combine as they are pretty similar, the difference is how a not authenticated user is handled. I'd prefer to have one single decorator that I can call with an argument.
# Authentication decorator for routes
# Will redirect to the login page if not authenticated
def requireAuthentication(fn):
def decorator(**kwargs):
# Is user logged on?
if "user" in request.session:
return fn(**kwargs)
# No, redirect to login page
redirect('/login?url={0}{1}'.format(request.path, ("?" + request.query_string if request.query_string else '')))
return decorator
# Authentication decorator for routes
# Will return an error message (in JSON) if not authenticated
def requireAuthenticationJSON(fn):
def decorator(**kwargs):
# Is user logged on?
if "user" in request.session:
return fn(**kwargs)
# No, return error
return {
"exception": "NotAuthorized",
"error" : "You are not authorized, please log on"
return decorator
And currently I'm using these decorators for specific routes, e.g.
def day():
def night():
I'd much more prefer this:
def day():
@helpers.requireAuthentication(json = True)
def night():
I'm on python 3.3 using the Bottle framework. Is it possible to do what I want? How?