I am trying to add a custom latex template for pandoc
I know that pandoc templates go in ~/.pandoc/templates
and I confirmed the pandoc directory location by typing pandoc --v
- it says pandoc is in ~/.pandoc
but when I do cd ~/.pandoc
-bash: cd: /Users/[Name]/.pandoc: No such file or directory
According the pandoc man page I can set a different path for pandoc data files using --data-dir=DIRECTORY
, but when I try build a file this way, e.g.
pandoc file.md -o file.pdf --data-dir=~/Library/texmf/tex/latex --template=mytemplate.latex
it throws the error
pandoc: Could not find data file templates/mytemplate.latex
which I assume means the data directory command is ignored.
Why can't I access my pandoc directory?